Sunday, August 15, 2010

What I liked and disliked about our trip to Fort Canning Park

The trip in total was really fun. First of all I liked our tour guide, Miss Nurul . Second of all I liked the part when we learned all about spices in the spice garden some of the spices were used in the making of food like laksa for example. Some of the spices family names were pretty confusing like Zingiberaceae and also all of the plant's family names ended with AE. So pretty much I liked most of the trip!!

1 comment:

  1. hi DHRUVA just to let you know i have a 2 day 1 night camp from wed to thus so when can you do the project on the animal abuse just to let you know EMAIL ME BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!! ASAP!!!!!! my email is ok ASAP EMAIL ME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!
